Treasury Coin

The United States government should create a Treasury Coin — call it “T-coin” — based on the protocol behind Bitcoin. T-coin would be the first government-supported, anonymous, decentralized currency. First, a T-coin would generate trillions for the U.S. government via the magic of seigniorage. Second, the USG could encourage the use of T-coin by, for example, providing discounts to entities which pay their taxes with T-coin or requiring merchants to accept T-coins as payment. Third, small changes in the Bitcoin protocol could be made to modernize it, thereby facilitating more widespread demand for T-coins.

Ulysses and the Sirens by John William Waterhouse, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

T-coin woud have all the advantages of Bitcoin, especially the protection against inflation, and also have the backing of the US government. Like Ulysses tying himself to the mast to avoid the calls of the Sirens, the USG would be tying itself to a dentralized blockchain (which it can neither override nor control) to avoid the temptations of money-printing. And, like Ulysses getting the benefit of hearing the Sirens, the USG would get the benefit of trillions of dollars of seigniorage.

Key points:

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